Friday, December 11, 2009


It was during my first winter in the United States.

I visited San Francisco during the winter when I was 19
because my close friends, who are from North California, invited me there.

It was the moment my image of United States and the real United States encountered.

My image of United States was created by the drama “Full House,” which is stories about a family in San Francisco.

Although I was excited to see many “Full House” tourist sites,
I encountered unexpected feelings when I looked at them.

Later, the experience caused me to realize how I see each tourist site in different way,
and realized that the difference is depending on whether I created stereotype before the travel or not.

Childhood – Meeting the country, America

I think it was when I was around 7 years old.
I was watching TV show until 6:30pm every day, but I turned the TV off when an unfamiliar looking show started.

However, one day, somehow I continued watching TV even past 6:30pm.
The unfamiliar looking show was “Full House,” which is an American comedy drama.

I remember that
I felt so new that I jump into a new world!
also it was fun to watch it because the drama contains people’s laughing sounds so often!
It is such a freedom that laughing sounds actually laugh together with audience!
It is like a variety show!

I’m not sure if the drama is famous in the United States,
but the Intro of the drama is like this.

How do you think about this movie?

People, scenery, buildings

All of them in the drama are representatives of the United States.

People in the United States are like those actors,
Houses in the United States are like those white beautiful ones in the drama,
and I thought that the blue sky, red bridge, and western style buses were everywhere in the United States.

(Photos are from Google)

June 2007, first visit to the United States

When I was 18, I flied 12 hours from Japan to California State in the United States
because I was accepted to Soka University of America (SUA) in Aliso Viejo city.

You can see many similar houses with white walls and orange yards from the campus.

I had chance to visit some houses around the campus and I was really amazed by those beautiful architectures.
Moreover, inside of those houses are also so artistic!
You can see beautiful well decorated decorations such as paintings, stones, pictures, and furniture.
Gardens and windows are also artistic,
like dreaming houses we can see on magazines or movies!

I visited some tourist sites there such as Disneyland, museums, and famous beaches.
However, I did not feel like I “traveled” there because those trips were decided by my English Second Language Program and also we went to one site for each day.
I think it was more like visiting each location rather than traveling.

My definition of “traveling” is to see around some tourist sites for a few days
while visiting is to go to places in certain amount of time and go back home during the day and usual days such as studying or working start from the next day again.
It might be the difference is just the amount of period,
but I think that traveling has more excitement than visiting.

I think that traveling to San Francisco was “travel”
while visiting tourist sites in California was “visitation.”

For these reasons, I feel like traveling to San Francisco was my first “travel” in America.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

October 2007 @ SUA

It was the time when many of us started to plan for coming winter break.
I usually hanged out with my roommate and some other friends that time.
Coincidently, all of them are from North California, including San Francisco.

“Ami, you can come to North California and stay our houses for winter break! ”

“Really!!!!!!!!????????? :-O Thank you sooooo much! =’)”

I am really really fortunate to have such amazing friends!!!!

Later, many friends asked me the plan for the winter break.

“Ami, what is your plan for the winter vacation?”

“I’m going to San Francisco!!! My roommate and some other friends invited me to go there!!!!”

“wow, that’s really cool!!!! So you can see the Golden Gate Bridge!!!! That’s really beautiful!!!”

“Really!? Wow- I cannot wait for it!!!!”

In this kind of conversation, most people told me about the Golden Gate Bridge.
However, I had no idea about the bridge at all that time.
The only American bridge I came up in my mind was the red bridge in the blue sky – the one I watched in “Full House.”

I don’t think I have to say how much I was happy to know that the Golden Gate Bridge was really the red bridge in the drama.

December 2007, San Francisco

After I realized that San Francisco is the place of “Full House,”
I started to be excited for the travel.
I asked my friends to visit the Golden Gate Bridge and Alamo Square, which can be seen in the Youtube at 1:03 besides the places they chose.

When I visited to see the Golden Gate Bridge,
I was moved by the fact that I was looking at the same bridge which I watched in the TV.

However, at the same time, I also felt like something empty.

I felt like something was lack in the bridge.

Is that because of the weather? – It was cloudy on that day.
Is that because of me?
If so what’s wrong with me?

You might notice what I was thinking if you see my eyes that time.
You might feel that I was looking at the bridge but not completely.
I was looking at different bridge that time – in my mind.

Somehow the image of the red bridge with the blue sky was in my head,
which was a bit different from what I was watching in the reality.

Unconsciously, I was comparing the bridge in reality with the bridge in my head which is my “ideal or created Golden Gate Bridge.”

The “ideal or created Golden Gate Bridge” was the red bridge with clear blue sky.
The emptiness came from me though this was also because of the cloudy weather.

Alamo Square – the “American houses”

I had similar experience when I saw Alamo Square, too.
As we can watch on the “Full House Intro” Youtube at 1:18, I was expecting to see the white house with the red door.

However, in reality, color of the house had changed – It was pastel blue, yellow, and gray
I carefully looked at each of them many times but I could not find the white house with the red door…

Of course I was excited to see those real houses, too
but I felt sad again that time because I could not see what I really wanted to see
even though I looked at the same house in reality.

It was a weird experience.

However, I just noticed (on November 25, 2009) that
houses in Alamo Square are different from the house on the Intro.
I have totally misunderstood until now.
In fact, I was looking at those houses on this Youtube at 1:16.

I’m so happy now that I coincidently looked at those houses on “Full House” though I totally did not notice.
That’s also interesting, huh.
Maybe what all I wanted to do was to see those real ones which appear in “Full House.”

Lombard Street

Moreover, I had one more similar experience again during the travel.
It is about Lombard Street, which is in the photo below.

Before visiting the place, I saw the place on postcard which looks similar to this photo – a zigzag road surrounded by pretty flowers.

However, the Lombard Street I saw during the travel was much different from the photo.
There were no flowers along the road,
and the road was filled with too many cars which look like bugs.
It was just disgusting.

I was thinking why many people were willing to pass the road though it was like nothing during the season.
For me, passing the road is just difficult because of the zigzag shape.

How come they wait in line for too long time to drive the empty road!?
Isn’t it worthless!?
It just takes too much time!

They might be satisfied with the fact that they pass the famous road.
We are satisfied when we do something special.
For example,
don’t you feel happy or excited when you step on the equator and take photos
though it is just a border?

Lombard Street is in the same way – people are happy to drive the road because they think that the road is still special regardless how poorly the road looks because of season.

Tourists are looking for satisfaction and excitement through the travel.
I seek the satisfaction and excitement through matching my image and the reality.
And those other tourists in Lombard Street seek the satisfaction and excitement through passing the road regardless the visual.
However, we feel empty if we cannot achieve the excitement and satisfaction.

Palace of Fine Arts – the BEST tourist site ever!

I had an amazing experience in San Francisco.

I visited the place I never knew the existence before the real visitation.
It was the Palace of Fine Arts.

I don’t know anything about this architecture, but we just looked the architecture and nature around it from outside.
Actually, it was the most beautiful place I have ever seen!

You see European Roman Western architecture
surrounded by beautiful lake which shines by reflecting sunlight,
and white birds are swimming on it
green trees and grass surround the lake
and kids are running with shouting something while their parents are smiling at them

I can tell what I saw, but I cannot express in words how I was impressed by the beautiful scenery.
At that time, I was totally in clear mind – I was only looking at the scenery without any disturbing thoughts.

How did I accomplish the clear mind?

I think it was by having no previous knowledge about the site – there was nothing to compare with the reality.
I did not expect any excitement and satisfaction,
so there was no causes of feeling emptiness.

This experience tells you that you can enjoy travels if you do not have any expectations which are created by previous knowledge about tourism sites.

Fishermans’ Wharf

My friends also took me to Fishermans’ Wharf.
You see sooooooooooo many people there.

What you can do there are:
You can go shopping and buy souvenirs,
You can eat fresh seafood at restaurant,
You can go to the beautiful island close to the wharf by ship,
You can buy and eat fresh calamari, seafood soup, and other fried seafood.

However, when I reconsider the spot again, I wonder why this much bunch of people were there and they were so excited.

For me, Fishemans’ Wharf was the just usual wharf – nothing is different from the wharf close to my house in Japan.

The only difference between them is that Fishermans’ Wharf already has many services for tourists such as souvenir shops.

The wharf near my house is just as wharf, not as tourist site.
few people are usually there.
but fisherman work every day and some neighbors go there to buy fresh seafood.

What makes this Fishermans’ Wharf so special?
Do shops there sell the best fish?
I don’t think this is the reason.

The spot is one of famous tourist sites in San Francisco.
I don’t know how the wharf started to be so popular,
but the image of “famous tourist site” may induce people to feel excitement.

Don’t you become excited if you visit locations where are scenes of your favorite dramas or movies?
Don’t you feel like want to visit stores or restaurants where TV programs introduced?

I think that the popularity of Fishermans’ Wharf is there.
Fishermans' Wharf might be introduced via media one time,
and becoming more popular and popular and the location offers more services for tourists such as souvenir shops and big Christmas Tree.
Then, these services attract more tourists.

These are just my imagination,
but I think current popular Fishermans’ Wharf exists due to the cycle.

Future Travel – Machu Picchu

I’m going to travel Machu Picchu after my study abroad to Costa Rica next year, 2010.
Actually I already have completed image of Machu Picchu because I saw photos which some upperclassmen uploaded on Facebook.

But why am I still planning to go there?

I think that’s because I want to be satisfied with the fact that “I go to the place,”
which might be similar to those tourists who drive Lombard Street and who visit Fishermans’ Wharf.

However, I feel that I might have similar experience from the ones I had in San Francisco because I already have the completed image of Machu Picchu in my head.

How can I beyond experiencing the emptiness?

One way is looking for nature there – sunrise, wind, and smell

Because nature never be expected by hearing stories or looking photos,
and never be expected because it keeps changing.

Aren’t we often moved by beautiful sunrise and sunset, do we?
And don’t we regret that we should have brought cameras with us that time?
I think that’s because we never be able to see the exact same sunrise and sunset again.

If you expect to see same scenery as the photo of Machu Picchu,
you may feel the emptiness like I had in San Francisco.

if your purpose for visiting famous sites is to feel the nature there,
you might be able to avoid from being disappointed.

Whether feeling empty or not is depending on your mind set.


Before I started writing this,
The San Francisco travel was just good memory, that’s it.

However, writing this essay gave the travel meanings.

I realized that how much I learned from the travel by reflecting it,
and also I realized that why I felt sad when I looked at the real Golden Gate Bridge and Alamo Square.

More importantly, reflecting the SF travel causes me to have excitement toward future travels.

While I was writing this blog, I realized that those failures in the past experience can turn to the opportunity to achieve great travels in future travels.

Through writing about the travel in San Francisco,
I realized that I unconsciously compare the real scenery with the image I had in my mind,
and this unconscious activity in my brain caused the emptiness I had.

In other words,
I kept disappointed because of my expectation in my mind,
which looking for in reality that it is exactly same or better ones than I saw in photos.
This means that
you might be able to avoid the emptiness
by looking for unexpected things in your future travels!

These are my experiences,
but I hope my story causes making your future travels meaningful, too.